Certified Divorce Mediator

Solving Child Custody and Alimony Issues
Mediation can help you and your spouse to peacefully settle your divorce issues. Go to the reputable law office of Mary Ann Hansen Attorney & Mediator in Orem, UT for a divorce attorney that can professionally handle your child custody and alimony issues. Mary Ann Hansen is a certified divorce mediator that effectively solves legal disputes that develop from separation. Let her work out a fair agreement for all parties involved.

Trusted Through the Divorce Process

Mary Ann Hansen prides herself in helping families and couples find equitable solutions during the stressful divorce process. She understands that each family situation is different with a unique set of circumstances. Many times, there’s a random standard possession schedule for the children and a standard child support order. Special needs due to work, geography, health, school, or any other factors are often not considered. Trust her to find a solution that fits within the parameters of the law and the rights and needs of each party.

Call for a Divorce Consultation

Talk to an attorney-mediator that has extensive knowledge on divorce laws. Dial 801-224-0079 and schedule an appointment with Mary Ann Hansen. Whether it concerns splitting of assets or pet sharing, you can trust her judgment. She has your best interests in mind when it comes to giving legal advice.